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AP Free response tips

The following strategies were written by College Board as tips for answering the free-response questions on the 2019 Macroeconomics exam.
You can find this list along with other information about the exam on the College Board website.

Take advantage of the 10-minute planning time

Starting to write immediately can lead to a string of disconnected, poorly planned thoughts. Using the planning time allows you to analyze the question and think through your answer. Then you will have 50 minutes to answer all three questions in the free-response section. Spend approximately half the time (25 minutes) on the long question and divide the remaining time between the other two questions.

Remember that you may answer the questions in any order

It’s fine to answer the question you feel most confident about first. Just be sure to indicate clearly in your answer booklet which question you are answering.

Don’t restate the question

Get straight to the point! The exam readers know the question, so don’t waste time restating it.

Use correct terminology

For example, money and income are often confused, or aggregate demand will be incorrectly labeled “D,” (as opposed to the correct "AD" label) and discussed as though it were the market demand for a particular product. Learn and use the correct language of macroeconomics.

Use graphs wisely

Even if a graph is not required, it may be to your advantage to draw one anyway. A correct graph can indicate that you understand what is happening even if you use the wrong economic terminology.
On the other hand, graphs are not magical tools that ensure high scores; they are useful in making arguments, but they don’t stand alone. It is important that the story they tell is explained. And remember that if the question requires you to draw a graph, you must do so to receive full credit.

Label graphs clearly, correctly, and fully

You will lose points if the readers can’t figure out what you're trying to explain with a graph. Label each axis clearly and identify each curve on the graph. Changes in curves should be indicated clearly with arrows or with some clear sequencing, such as showing a change in short-run aggregate supply with SRAS and SRAS’ or SRAS1 and SRAS2.

Use the same outline numbers or letters from the question in your answer, and answer them in the same order

This helps the reader know where to look for specific answers to specific parts of the question. It also helps you remember to address all parts of the question in your answer.

Try to solve all parts of a question

Many free-response questions are divided into parts such as (a), (b), (c), and (d), with each part calling for a different response. Credit for each part is awarded independently, so you should attempt to solve each part.
For example, you may receive no credit for your answer to part (a), but still receive full credit for part (b), (c), or (d). If the answer to a later part of a question depends on the answer to an earlier part, you may still be able to receive full credit for the later part, even if that earlier answer is wrong.

Explain your reasoning completely

Don’t just state your answer, support it. If you make an assertion such as “the price increased,” explain why the price increased.

Don’t bring a calculator to the exam

Questions on the exams usually require only basic math skills: calculators are not allowed.

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