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Rural, Suburban, Urban: reading informational text; Urban and Rural Communities 2


Read the passage, then answer the TWO practice questions.

Urban and Rural Communities

Do you live in a busy city with lots of buildings and people? Or do you live in a rural community, with lots of nature, where people live far away from each other?
Each community has its advantages and disadvantages.

Life in the City

Picture 1: a city skyline.
Cities are communities where lots of people live in a small space. Cities are known as urban communities. They include places like New York City, Tokyo, and Mexico City. Cities offer residents many things to do. You can go shopping. You can go to museums and theaters. There are also many sporting events. Another upside to living in a city is public transportation. You can take a bus or train to help you get around.
Cities can feel crowded. Some people may think that cities are too noisy. This can be a disadvantage to living in the city. Another downside to living in the city is that there is not a lot of space. Many people in urban areas live in apartments, which are often smaller than houses. Also, there are fewer green spaces, like parks. It can sometimes be hard to find peace and quiet in urban areas.
Cities have:
  • Big buildings
  • Lots of people
  • Lots of things to see and do

Life in the Country

Picture 2: a country road
Rural communities are often called “the country”. There are fewer people, and there is more space, compared to cities. Rural areas usually only have a few shops or restaurants. Many don’t have museums or professional sporting events. Residents often need cars to get around, since there usually isn’t much public transportation.
But living in the country can offer many upsides. For example, people can escape from the constant noise of the city. There are plenty of green spaces. The air is often cleaner in the country. People in the country often see more wildlife than people living in the city. Rural areas also provide the wide-open spaces needed for farming.
The country has:
  • Lots of plants and animals
  • Wide-open spaces
  • Fewer people
Whether you live in a big city or on a farm, there are advantages and disadvantages. If you could choose, where would you live?

Practice Questions

This question has two parts. Answer Part A, then Part B.

Part A

What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
Choose 1 answer:

Part B

Which sentence from the passage best supports this idea?
Choose 1 answer:
Psst! Don't forget to choose an answer for both questions :)