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The Moon: reading poetry; The Beautiful, Mysterious Moon 2


Read the poem, then answer the practice question.

The Beautiful Mysterious Moon

I thought there was a rabbit inside the moon,
One that nibbled on lettuce and mushrooms.
But Carlos says that those are just craters.
That’s the way the moon works, the beautiful mysterious moon.
I thought there was a giant in the sea
That made the waves and pushed them onto the beach.
But Carlos says that those are just tides.
That’s the way the moon works, the beautiful mysterious moon.
I thought there was an old lady under the underground
With a giant magnet that held us in place when we walk around.
But Carlos says that it’s just gravity.
That’s the way the moon works, the beautiful mysterious moon.
I don’t know if I agree or disagree,
That the moon is responsible for tides and gravity.
But Carlos read the science book, so we’ll have to believe
That thing in the sky has an effect on you and me.

Practice question

Read these lines from the poem.
“I don’t know if I agree or disagree,
That the moon is responsible for tides and gravity.”
Read the sentence, then select the correct answer from the dropdown menu.
At this part of the poem, the speaker feels