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Possession for words ending in “s”

Do words that end in "s" still need _'s_ to show possession? David and Paige explain!  

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- [Voiceover] Hello Grammarians, hello Paige. - [Paige] Hi David. - [David] We're talking about possession for names or words ending in the letter S. There's some confusion, I think, about what to do if you've got to make someone's name possessive if their name ends in an S, for example, my friend Jess. If we're talking about Jess, and we're talking about something that belongs to her, like Jess's hat. We know that there should be an apostrophe in there, but should there also be an S? The answer is, yes. There had been some debate over this for some time, but now, let me tell you, the answer is yes, Jess's hat. - [Paige] Right, it seems like a lot of Esses in a row, but it's important for understanding what someone's trying to say. - [David] Mm-hm, the same thing happens regardless, it can be for words ending in S, like bus. So if we said, "The air conditioning on this bus is broken," We could say instead to make it a little bit shorter, "The bus's air conditioning is broken." Again, we're just taking all of that information about the air conditioning that belongs to the bus, all of that is just sort of being bundled up into this apostrophe S. It doesn't matter that bus already ends with an S, this works the same as any other word, we're just gonna say, "bus's." If we wanted to talk about the chili culture of the state of Texas, for example, we would say, "Texas's chili culture." - [Paige] Yeah, so it's exactly the same as any other singular word even though it ends in S, you still need another S. - [David] So just add an apostrophe S, and if you didn't know, now you know. That's how you form the possessive for names or words ending in S. You can learn anything, David out, - [Paige] Paige out.