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Classical Greek culture and society


Before answering the next question, please re-read the following excerpt from this article.
"Religion was also an important component in Greek life. In the ancient Greek world, religion was personal, direct, and present in all areas of life. It revolved around myths which explained the origins of mankind and gave the gods a human face. As temples dominated the urban landscape, with frequent city festivals and national sporting and artistic competitions, religion was never far from the mind of an ancient Greek. While the individual may have made up their own mind on the degree of their religious belief and some may have been completely skeptical, certain fundamentals must have been sufficiently widespread in order for Greek government and society to function: the gods existed, they could influence human affairs, and they welcomed and responded to acts of piety and worship.
The temple was the place where, on special occasions, religion took on a more formal tone. Gods were worshipped at sacred sites and temples in all major Greek communities in ceremonies carried out by priests and their attendants."
How do you think the author would most likely respond to the question “Did ancient Greece have a unified culture?”
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