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Mastery Learning on Khan Academy

Mastery Learning on Khan Academy

Mastery Learning on Khan Academy

What is Mastery Learning?
First proposed by Benjamin Bloom in 1968, mastery learning is an approach that aims to ensure that all students have mastered key concepts before moving on to the next topic. Students who do not achieve mastery of a concept are given additional support in learning. They are asked to review the information and then checked for their comprehension level again.
For Mastery learning to be successful, you need to do the following things:
  • Identify areas of weakness and strength
  • Carefully sequence the topics so that foundational knowledge is built up
  • Allow students to work at their own pace
  • Monitor student progress and provide feedback
Mastery learning is extremely useful for you as a teacher and for your students.
  • It helps a student to deeply understand each concept before moving ahead.
  • Using mastery learning, a teacher can work with the students on a previous concept in which they diagnose critical gaps. This way we can build a strong foundation for our students.
  • Simultaneously, providing constant feedback and support ensures that the student attains mastery!

Mastery Learning on Khan Academy

The Khan Academy platform has been designed using the principles of mastery learning. Through the course mastery feature, Khan Academy supports teachers to help students achieve mastery.
The platform provides you with the opportunity
  • To set and track short-term and long-term learning goals for your students.
  • To support your students to learn the same material at their own pace.
  • Provide students with continuous feedback through detailed mastery reports of each student available to you.
  • To track students' progress and use this information to challenge, appreciate and motivate your students.

Levels of mastery in Khan Academy

  • Until the students don’t begin work they are at the ‘Not Started’ level, which means they have 0 points.
  • As soon as they start practising they reach the ‘Attempted’ level. If the students get less than 70% correct responses they continue to be on ‘Attempted’ and earn no points.
  • If they get 70% or more correct responses, they earn 50 points and move up to the ‘Familiar’ level.
  • To move up to the ‘Proficient’ level, students need to earn 80 points and answer 100% of the questions correctly.
  • Students attain ‘Mastery’ when they are at the Proficient level and have correctly answered questions on this skill in a Unit test/Course challenge/Mastery challenge. On reaching the mastery level students collect 100 points.

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