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Identifying separable equations

To solve a differential equation using separation of variables, we must be able to bring it to the form f(y)dy=g(x)dx where f(y) is an expression that doesn't contain x and g(x) is an expression that doesn't contain y.
Not all differential equations are like that. For example, dydx=x+y cannot be brought to the form f(y)dy=g(x)dx no matter how much we try.
In fact, a major challenge with using separation of variables is to identify where this method is applicable. Differential equations that can be solved using separation of variables are called separable equations.
So how can we tell whether an equation is separable? The most common type are equations where dydx is equal to a product or a quotient of f(y) and g(x).
For example, dydx=g(x)f(y) can turn into f(y)dy=g(x)dx when multiplied by f(y) and dx.
Also, dydx=f(y)g(x) can turn into 1f(y)dy=g(x)dx when divided by f(y) and multiplied by dx.
Here are a few concrete examples:
Other equations must be slightly manipulated before they are in the form dydx=f(y)g(x). For example, we need to factor the right-hand side of dydx=xy7x to bring it to the desired form:
Problem 1
Can this differential equation be solved using separation of variables?
Choose 1 answer:

Problem 2
Can this differential equation be solved using separation of variables?
Choose 1 answer:

Problem 3
Can this differential equation be solved using separation of variables?
Choose 1 answer:

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