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Intro to multiplication: FAQ

Frequently asked question about the introduction to multiplication. 

What is multiplication?

Multiplication is a way of combining equal groups of numbers. For example, if you have 3 groups of 4 apples, you can multiply 3 by 4 to get 12 apples. That means 3×4=12.

Why do we need to learn about multiplication?

Multiplication is a very important math skill that helps us quickly figure out how many items we have when they are arranged in equal groups. We use multiplication in all sorts of real-world situations, like when we're buying things in bulk or trying to figure out how many slices of pizza each person can have at a party.

How is multiplication different from addition?

Multiplication is similar to addition in that it helps us combine numbers together. But while addition joins numbers together one at a time, multiplication lets us add the same number over and over again in one step. For example, 2+2+2+2+2 is the same as 5×2.

What is the commutative property of multiplication?

The commutative property of multiplication is a rule that says that we can change the order of the factors in a multiplication problem and still get the same product. For example, 3×4=12 and 4×3=12. This property helps us to remember and learn multiplication facts more easily.

Why do we learn different ways to multiply, like with arrays and on the number line?

There are many different ways to think about multiplication, and it can be helpful to understand all of them. If you get stuck on a problem using one approach, you might be able to figure it out using a different method. It is best to find a way that works for you and keep practicing!

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