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Positive and negative associations in scatterplots

We make scatterplots to see relationships between variables. Scatterplots are really good for helping us see if two variables have positive or negative association (or no association at all).

Problem 1: Flower height and petal length

Sam measured the height and petal length (in centimeters) of all the flowers in his garden.
Height (cm)302015351040
Petal length (cm)64281.58.5
question a
Plot the data in a scatterplot.

question b
What is the best description of the relationship between height and petal length for Sam's flowers?
Choose 1 answer:

question c
Which statement is the most accurate interpretation of the association?
Choose 1 answer:

Problem 2: Car driver age

Data was recorded on the age of drivers and the number of car accidents per 100 drivers in the year 2009. The data is shown in the scatterplot below.
question A
What is the best description of the relationship between age and the number of car accidents?
Choose 1 answer:

question b
Which statement is the most accurate interpretation of the association?
Choose 1 answer:

Problem 3: Shoe sizes and test scores

Dexter's class recorded data on the test grades and shoe sizes of students in the class. The data is shown in the scatterplot below.
question a
What is the best description of the relationship between shoe size and test scores?
Choose 1 answer:

question b
Which statement is the most accurate interpretation of the association?
Choose 1 answer:

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