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Gravitational fields and acceleration on different planets

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A planet of radius R and mass M has a small moon with an orbital path as shown. At the three points A, B, and C, the small moon is a distance of 1R, 2R, and 5R, respectively, from the surface of the planet.
A solid circle is positioned within a large oval, near the oval’s right side. From the circle’s center to its outer edge is a straight line labeled one R. Between the circle and oval is another straight line labeled one R. This line spans the distance from the right side of the circle to the right side of the oval, where the label A is placed. Another straight line, labeled five R, spans the distance from the left side of the circle to the left side of the oval, where the label C is placed. A third straight line, labeled two R, comes from the northwest edge of the circle and goes to the top of the oval. Where this line meets the oval is the label B.
Determine the gravitational field strength at point B, gB, in terms of the gravitational field strength at point A, gA.
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