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Breast anatomy and lactation

Lactation is the process where milk, rich in nutrients and antibodies, is produced and ejected from the mammary glands in female breasts. This video explores the anatomy of the female breast, the role of hormones in milk production, and the neural pathways involved in lactation. Created by Vishal Punwani.

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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user carthagecomm28
    How does the mother's milk obtain antibodies to boost the infant's immune system? This was unfortunately not covered in the video.
    (8 votes)
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  • spunky sam blue style avatar for user michaelamartinez448
    Can a woman lactate or produce milk in response to a baby's cry even if she is not pregnant?
    (3 votes)
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    • female robot grace style avatar for user Anna
      Yes if she has been pregnant before and is still breastfeeding. In fact some breastfeeding women produce milk in response to a baby cry that isn't from their own babies.

      Also if you adopt a newborn baby the newborn suckling on the breast will induce lactation even if you haven't been pregnant before.
      (11 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Sam
    I don't think that there should be a synapse indicated in the posterior pituitary for the release of Oxytocin. Oxy is made in the hypothalamus and travels down the hypophyseal portal system to be released through the posterior pituitary directly.
    (8 votes)
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  • duskpin sapling style avatar for user Deepa
    This all happened when you become a mother am I right?
    (4 votes)
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    • leaf green style avatar for user Joanne
      Lactating males are abnormal, they have a problem with a brain tumor or other issue that prevents the production of prolactin inhibiting hormone. Women normally lactate because they had a child. Yes, you are right.
      (11 votes)
  • duskpin sapling style avatar for user Victoria
    So, for a woman who's undergone breast reduction, what are the odds that she won't be able to breastfeed her child? Especially a reduction that went wrong and got infected, and had a failed correction?
    (3 votes)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user Erinn Tanguay
      It is really sad nobody answered this question. It is really person-specific as to whether or not a person may or may not have a full milk supply after reduction surgery. It depends if the ductal system was severed during the relocation of the nipple/areolar complex, and how much glandular tissue was left. (Remember that it is the glandular tissue that is responsible for milk production, NOT the fat, which is why individuals with small breasts are able to have a full supply.)
      (3 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Dave Mac
    So does this prove that breast is best for baby?
    (0 votes)
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    • leafers ultimate style avatar for user Caitlin Fischer
      Certainly for the first few days after childbirth. In particular, during these early days, the breast milk is actually a mixture containing a bunch of antibodies and antigens (in addition to the necessary nutrients for the child): this stimulates an immune response in the baby, allowing it to develop memory cells so that it can have a faster secondary immune response if actually exposed to similar harmful antigens in the future. Thus, the baby can acquire natural immunity from this breast milk, which makes it really important for the baby to be breastfed, at least in the immediate couple of days after birth.
      (8 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Chailee Kay Berg
    Is breast milk the best for babies? Can a woman lactate or produce milk even if they are not pregnant? Why does a woman lactate just at the sound of a babys cry?
    (1 vote)
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    • leaf green style avatar for user Joanne
      Yes, human milk is uniquely capable of supporting healthy growth of a child and it is the best nutritionally as well as providing defend against disease (antibodies), normal GIT flora and encouraging emotional bonding. Women typically only produce milk after a pregnancy, this is true for other animals as well. Milk production is hormonally driven, so if the anterior pituitary is abnormal, release of prolactin hormones is possible and therefore abnormal milk production is possible. The release or let down of milk by the mammary gland is driven by oxytocin and can be signalled by sounds and smells. A crying child maybe a hungary child and many woman release milk when hearing that sound. I was once having dinner with two women that had young children in a restaurant. At another table, a very young baby started to cry and they both started to laugh because each experienced that release. Likewise, cows let-down when they hear the milk barn machines start up (or the milk pails clang). Similarly, Pavlov' s dogs learn to salivate when he rang a bell. It is a learned response.
      (4 votes)
  • leaf green style avatar for user Ramos
    What is human lactation period?
    (1 vote)
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    • leaf green style avatar for user Joanne
      It is recommended that a woman breast feed if she is able for 1 year by the A Pediatric Assoc. for the health benefits of the child. Milk alone for 6months and then introduction of more solid food is common. Culture and finances have influence on this question, as women that work and can afford formulae may stop breastfeeding before women that have little money. Lactation will continue with continued demand from a child and it is possible to breastfeed for years although it will not be a complete source of nutrition. Physiologically, the period of lactation is variable from woman to woman. Lactation is not a method of birth control and so it is possible to have another child while breastfeeding.
      (3 votes)
  • primosaur ultimate style avatar for user Skyler S
    At the end of the video it says milk ejection can be caused by a crying baby, does that mean the milk would just start coming out of the breast even if the baby wasn't nursing?
    (1 vote)
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  • mr pants teal style avatar for user mileka floyd
    So why do people say that breast feeding is better than baby formula
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

- [Voiceover] Lactation is a process where milk is made and ejected from the mammary glands inside the female breasts. Besides being really nourishing for a suckling baby, breast milk can also boost a newborn's immune system because it contains antibodies that the baby can't yet make on its own. But overall, breast milk supplies all of the nutrients that a growing infant needs for the first six months of life. So before we look at the mechanism of lacation, let's just get oriented to the anatomy of the female breast. So this is a woman's left side here. And here is her left arm raised up in the air. And this here is her pectoralis major muscle. And the pectoralis major is the primary muscle of the chest. And the reason I mention the pectoralis major, or the pec major, is just because the breasts on the left and right side overlie the pec major on the left and right side. So it's just to give you a clearer idea of where exactly the breasts lie in relation to the chest wall. And so what I've done here is I've cut away the overlying skin on part of the breast so we can look at deep structures on the right side of the breast and we can look at superficial structures on the left side of the breast. And remember, I mean right side and left side from the perspective of our lady here. So the breast in both females and males contains special glands called mammary glands. And mammary glands are actually modified sweat glands that are able to produce and eject milk. So in women they develop around the time of puberty and in men they actually don't get developed. They stay pretty benign. And actually, before pregnancy, the mammary glands don't really make up a huge percentage of a woman's breast. But during pregnancy they sort of expand and branch out in a big way in response to stimulation by hormones such as estrogen and prolactin. And so they're actually a little bit tough to see on this drawing here. So I'll just blow them up for you a little bit. So we can get a better look at the anatomy of a mammary gland. So these mammary glands, surrounding them, almost like a net encasing them, there are these cells called myoepithelial cells. And the myoepithelial cells are special cells in that not only are they lining the outside of the mammary glands, but they also can contract and squeeze down on these glands to squeeze milk out of them. So milk is drained toward the nipple through ducts called lactiferous ducts. And from there the milk can be ejected out through the nipple, through these tiny holes all over the nipple called nipple pores. And so let's take a look at what this would look like on the bigger drawing here. So we've got our myoepithelial cells lining the outside of these mammary glands. And then they'll squeeze milk out of the mammary glands. Send the milk along the lactiferous ducts, toward the nipple, and remember this is happening in all of the mammary glands, and then it's ejected out of the nipple through tiny holes in the nipple called nipple pores. And actually, let me label this as a lactiferous duct here. And while we're in this nipple area, you might notice that that there are these dark, circular areas around the nipples. They're called areolae. And the areolae serve a couple of different functions. The first one is that they contain these little bumps called the areolar glands, or Montgomery glands, that's the other name for them, and the areolar glands secrete a bit of an oily substance called lipoid fluid. And the lipoid fluid moisturizes the nipple so it doesn't get dry or cracked during breastfeeding. The second function is more for the baby's good. It turns out that the darkened areolae sort of give the infant a target, something to aim for. They actually don't have the best vision when they're born, so this helps them to find their food source a little bit easier and quicker. And actually I forgot to mention, there's some research that suggests that the lipoid fluid made by the areolar glands, that it has a certain smell that attracts the baby as well. So the areolae serve a couple different functions. The breast also has a fair amount of fatty tissue, or adipose tissue, making up most of its content. The fat actually also supports all of the glandular structures we've mentioned. So with all of this stuff going on in the breast, the glands and all of the fat, it can get a little heavy, especially when the mammary glands are full of milk during lactation. So it needs these special suspensory ligaments, also called Cooper's ligaments, that help it remain anchored to the chest wall. And that's what you see here in green. So now that we've looked at the major anatomy of the breast, let's get to what happens in lactation. Lactation begins when an infant begins to suckle on mom's breast. But let's take a closer look, because there's some pretty cool neural pathways that are involved. So when a baby starts to suckle, special receptors called mechanoreceptors in the nipple, they get activated and they start to send messages up the spinal cord and into mom's brain, to the hypothalamus. And at this point, the hypothalamus, when it receives these messages, it does two really cool things. It sends on signals to a set of oxytocin neurons in the posterior pituitary gland, telling them to make oxytocin. And so here you can see oxytocin being produced. And the hypothalamus also sends an off signal to a special type of neuron in the anterior pituitary that releases a hormone called prolactin inhibiting hormone. And these neurons in the anterior pituitary are called PIH neurons. And they have a bit of a funny job. So, as their name might suggest, they inhibit other neurons in the anterior pituitary from producing prolactin. So since they hypothalamus has turned them off, now the prolactin neurons in the anterior pituitary are free to make prolactin to their heart's content. And you can see them producing prolactin here. But why is this important? Well, it's important because prolactin causes the mammary glands to start producing milk. And oxytocin stimulates these myoepithelial cells that surround the mammary glands, oxytocin stimulates them to eject the milk out of the nipple so the baby can be fed. So you kinda need both of them to have proper breastfeeding. And interestingly, I said at the beginning that it is the suckling of the baby that sorta kicks off this whole neuronal cascade to cause the let down of milk, but remarkably, even the sound of a baby's cry and it doesn't have to be mom's own baby, it can be the baby of a complete stranger, but when mom hears the sound of a baby's cry her hearing centers in her brain will actually trigger this cascade from here. And will cause milk creation and ejection. And this mechanism sorta evolved as a safegaurd for our babies. To ensure that crying babies could still be fed by other lactating women, even if their own mother wasn't around, so that they could still grow and stay healthy.