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Creativity break: why is creativity important in biology?

Hear from biology professionals about why creativity is important in biology. Created by Khan Academy.

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(upbeat music) (keyboard clicking) - Creativity is super important in biology because it's hugely important in the process of evolution. Evolution often takes a winding path to get to what we see now, and we wanna follow this path in an attempt to understand it. Sometimes we've gotta be as resourceful and clever as evolution has been. That requires creativity in how we solve problems, and even creativity in the questions we ask. - Creativity is so important for anybody who is thinking about, who is studying biology, because the question we're trying to understand is not just take in all the information that we know about biology. We want people to imagine what biology, what the natural world, what the physical world, what our bodies can actually do, what our brains can do. And to be able to do that, you need to think out of the box. You need to think about things that haven't been thought about before. And that is why biology, that is why creativity is so critical for anybody studying biology.