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Editing a webpage in an online editor

Learn how to edit your Khan Academy webpages in an online editor like Cloud9.

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- Alright, so I have this web page that I'm editing about rabbits on Khan Academy and I've decided I want to edit it inside a different online editor. So I'm going to select all of it and copy it and then head on over to this other tab where I have Cloud9 open. So I've created a new file and I can paste my HTML inside the file. Next, I'm going to save that file and give it a nice name plus the HTML extension at the end, press 'Save' and now you can see that the syntax highlighting is working and showing me that it looks like HTML. Now I want to see what it looks like so I'm going to press 'Preview', and they have this live preview here, which opens up a mini browser inside my editor in the browser, which is kind of funny. So here we have, and I think this might do a live preview, so let's try it out. Awesome. So as I'm editing it, it updates it here and I can just immediately see all the changes that I'm making. Quite similar to the one that we have on Khan Academy.