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Koboto Santaro, a Japanese military samurai commander in Tosei armour
Samurai, who for centuries served as the warrior class in Japan, were supposed to align their lives with Bushido, also known as "the way of the warrior.” This code helped samurai live honorable lives. Bushido emphasized seven main values: loyalty, courage, honesty, honor, politeness, wisdom, and sincerity. Loyalty meant that samurai were expected to be completely devoted to their lord. Courage was important, as samurai needed to be brave in battle and face their enemies without fear. Honesty and honor meant they were expected to be truthful and fair. Politeness and wisdom were also important values in Bushido, as Samurai were expected to treat others with respect and to be well-educated. Sincerity meant that samurai should always be genuine in their actions and words.
Based on the text, why was courage part of Bushido?
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