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BEFORE YOU WATCH: Communities of Movement - Ancestral Puebloans

In the American Southwest, on the vast Colorado Plateau, the Ancestral Pueblo built large agricultural communities, big cities, and monumental architecture. Yet, the Ancestral Pueblo relied on movement—on repeated migrations—to sustain their communities and thrive in a challenging landscape. In this video, Jerad Koepp speaks with Theresa Pasqual (Acoma), Natalie Martinez (Laguna), and archaeologist Kurt Anschuetz about how the Pueblo people have managed their patterns of life in this region for thousands of years. We can learn about this history from archaeologists and by listening to the oral history traditions of Pueblo communities today.

Before you watch

Before you watch the video, it’s a good idea to open and skim the video transcript. And always read the questions below so you know what to look and listen for as you watch.

While you watch

  1. How does the story of the Ancestral Pueblo challenge world-historical narratives about agriculture and complex societies?
  2. How does Theresa Pasqual characterize Pueblo origin stories?
  3. According to Dr. Natalie Martinez, why are these origin stories important today?
  4. According to Dr. Kurt Anschuetz, what are some strategies that Pueblo people used to thrive on the Colorado Plateau?
  5. How does Theresa Pasqual describe the movement of the Ancestral Pueblo people?

After you watch

  1. The people in this video suggest that oral histories should be taken seriously as historical evidence, on par with archaeological evidence. What do you think are the differences in what we can learn from archaeology and oral traditions? What do you think historians should do when the two types of evidence disagree?
Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to watch. Remember to return to these questions once you’ve finished watching.

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