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Upcoming events & competitions

Coming soon - our annual class level challenge LearnStorm!

LearnStorm is Khan Academy’s free, global, tech-enabled competition that gives teachers a fun way to help students gain skills, foster growth mindsets, and build teamwork. It is focused on making progress as a classroom and individually, allowing for students to celebrate their progress together, wherever they are.
We will announce LearnStorm dates soon on our platform, so keep watching your teacher dashboard for more information. Khan Academy team has also extended LearnStorm to support even more students and teachers, including those teaching and learning remotely.
To learn more about previous year’s LearnStorm, please go to learnstormin.khanacademy.org. This program has become one of the largest school competitions in India. Last year we had 2 Lac+ students and 6000+ teachers participating across schools pan-India!!

Stay tuned for this year’s dates (most likely from Sep - Nov 2021)

What do you get with LearnStorm?

Khan Academy content
LearnStorm fully utilizes the world-class Khan Academy content library. You can choose resources from our huge selection of articles, videos, and practice exercises across a variety of subjects—not just math!
Growth mindset activities
Jump-start learning by helping students understand how their brains work and how they can better set themselves up for success. Khan Academy created a full growth mindset curriculum with experts from PERTS, a Stanford-based research group. This includes a set of teacher-focused videos to support the implementation of growth mindset activities with students.
The LearnStorm tracker
This simple progress tracker lets your class monitor and celebrate their collective progress. The more each student practices and completes assignments, more progress is reflected in the tracker - unlocking new levels and moments of celebration.
We’ve seen students of all ages and around the world record themselves celebrating and sharing in the joy of learning.
Warning: Random acts of dancing, jumping, falling out of chairs and fist pumping can and have happened.
Khan Academy video wrapper
LearnStorm at Pine Hill Middle SchoolSee video transcript

How does it work?

Getting started is a simple process:
Getting started is a simple process:
Step 1: Access your teacher dashboard to enroll. Return to your teacher dashboard to access the LearnStorm banner. To access your teacher dashboard, you can click on the Khan Academy logo in the top navigation.
Click on the “Enroll in LearnStorm” button to enroll.
Step 2: Explore the LearnStorm tracker Once you have enrolled, it’s time to check out the LearnStorm tracker.
Click on the “Check my progress!” button to get started.
Step 3: Complete the LearnStorm Tracker Demo. You can see a demonstration of how the Tracker works by clicking through the prompts.
This tracker counts the number of assignments completed by your students during LearnStorm - content you chose for your students.
Each ring in the tracker is equal to three times the number of students in your class - i.e. if you have 20 students, each ring will equal to 60 assignments. LearnStorm is a program that facilitates classroom collaboration, so assignments are counted on a per class basis.
Step 4: Start celebrating! We recommend projecting your screen so your students can watch as progress accumulates. You cannot rewind progress or celebration moments once they occur.
There are an unlimited number of levels in LearnStorm. Surprises await at the end of each level. In order to earn progress on your LearnStorm Tracker, students complete assignments made by their teacher.
How can I use LearnStorm when teaching remotely?
Khan Academy is an online learning platform. All the videos, practice exercises, and articles are available remotely for both teachers and students. Khan Academy can be used in the classroom, at home, or in combination as long as students have access to a device and internet connectivity.
Teachers can still celebrate progress with their classrooms virtually by using video conferencing and school communication tools.
The prizes are designed to benefit teachers and students learning in-person, remotely or anywhere in between. More to come about prizes.
We’ve created resources to help both teachers and parents with using Khan Academy in an at-home setting. Please go through all the articles and videos to understand how Khan Academy can be used in school or at-home.

Want to join the conversation?

  • leaf green style avatar for user Rachel  McLachlan
    My students were jazzed when they first started and learned that their effort had earned water treatment tablets to help those without clean water. It was wonderful to see how genuinely happy they were to earn something that helped others. Unfortunately as we continued for more weeks of the program, there was no other prize. I think we all thought there would be something similar given out again, especially at the end of the program. My students were really committed to it but it ended lack-luster for us. Did I miss something?
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Lisa Everhart
    We reached level 18 and 19 in our classes. I did not receive an email about prizes. Did I miss something?
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user shamil.sayal
    Are learnstorm results for 2021 out? I didn't receive any mail.
    (1 vote)
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