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Add and subtract fractions: FAQ

Frequently asked questions about adding and subtracting fractions.

What does it mean to decompose a fraction?

When we decompose a fraction, we break it down into smaller parts. This can help us understand the fraction better or make it easier to work with.
Try it yourself with these exercises:

What are mixed numbers and improper fractions?

A mixed number is a combination of a whole number and a fraction. For example, 212. An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is larger than the denominator. For example, 52.
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How do we add and subtract fractions with common denominators?

When we add fractions with common denominators, we keep the denominator the same and add the numerators together. For example, 14+24=34.
When we subtract fractions with common denominators, we keep the denominator the same and subtract the numerators. For example, 3424=14.
Try it yourself with these exercises:

What are equivalent fractions?

Equivalent fractions are two or more fractions that have the same value. For example, 12, 24, and 48 are all equivalent fractions.
Try it yourself with these exercises:

What is a line plot?

A line plot is a graph that shows how many times each data point occurs. It's a good way to organize and analyze data.
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