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Integration by parts challenge

Problem 1

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Problem 2

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Problem 3

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  • duskpin seedling style avatar for user chang.brian710
    what do I do after I've finished all 3 questions? There's no Awesome Show Points button?
    (34 votes)
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  • mr pants teal style avatar for user Grace.Ohwilleke
    In question 2 is it possible to rewrite the equation to lnx * lnx instead of (lnx)^2 and integrate by parts?

    The problem I'm having when I try to use that method is that after I integrate lnx for the first time and substitute it back into the equation I get:

    ∫lnx * lnx dx = x(lnx)^2 - x - ∫(xlnx-x)/x

    I'm not sure how to do the new integral (∫(xlnx-x)/x).
    (10 votes)
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    • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Emmet Costen
      I solved it this way. Simplify that integral by using algebra to:

      (∫(xlnx-x)/x) = ∫(lnx-1)dx

      That should make it easier to work with. I then took that and for work purposes transformed it to:

      ∫(lnx-1)dx = ∫(lnx-1)*1dx

      Once there you should be able to integrate that using another integration by parts.
      (10 votes)
  • leafers seedling style avatar for user colinhill
    Is it normal to think integration is significantly more difficult than differentiation? I swear it got much harder. It's doable, but there's no clear "algorithm" like there usually is for math problems.
    (5 votes)
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    • leaf green style avatar for user Tanner P
      Yes, it is definitely safe to say integration is more difficult. In fact, some functions are easy to differentiate but impossible to integrate. For example, you can find the derivative of e^(-x^2) using the chain rule, but good luck finding the antiderivative!
      (5 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user lovingdata
    In problem 2, can't we approach it by taking the integral of (lnx) * (lnx). So u = lnx and dv = lnx? However, when I use this approach I seem to get the wrong answer.
    In short, for integral( lnx * lnx ), I get lnx * (x lnx +x) - integral( lnx + 1 ), which eventually evaluates to x(lnx)^2 - 2x, but it's the wrong answer
    (5 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Sachin Shukla
    In Question 1 and 3, why are they fiddling around with the order of v and u in the integration by parts equation?
    (3 votes)
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    • starky ultimate style avatar for user Aarav Shah
      Sal derived the integration by parts formula as the following: ∫(f(x)g'(x))dx = f(x)g(x) - ∫(f'(x)g(x))dx
      To simplify this formula, we can do a double substitution as such:
      ∫(f(x)g'(x))dx = f(x)g(x) - ∫(f'(x)g(x))dx
      u = f(x) v = g(x)
      du = f'(x)dx dv = g'(x)dx
      Rewriting the formula:
      ∫u dv = uv - ∫v du
      Hope that answered your question!
      (4 votes)
  • leafers seed style avatar for user devore.wes
    For problem 2 and 3, we never talked about compound functions. I am confused. I don't think we've learned how to do these yet.
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user sawyerj
    For problem 3, why can't you use u-sub for x cos(πx) after doing integration by parts once?
    (1 vote)
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  • leafers seedling style avatar for user colinhill
    In problem 3, can we use u-substitution after our first integration by parts? I don't need anyone to necessarily look at the work, but I was just wondering if it was a possibility.

    - \int_a^b x^{2}sin( \pi x)dx = (- x^{2} cos( \pi x))/( \pi ) - \int_a^b (-2xcos( \pi x ))/\pi

    \int_a^b (-2xcos( \pi x ))/\pi = -2/ \pi^{2} \int_a^b \pi cos( \pi x)dx

    u = \pi x, du = \pi dx

    -2/ \pi^{2} \int_a^b \pi cos( \pi x)dx = -2/ \pi^{2} \int_a^b cos(u) du = -2/ \pi^{2} (sin(u)) = -2/ \pi^{2} (sin( \pi x))


    \int_a^b x^{2}sin( \pi x)dx = (- x^{2} cos( \pi x))/( \pi ) + (2sin \pi x) / \ \pi^{2}
    (1 vote)
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    • male robot donald style avatar for user Venkata
      You're second step seems a bit off. How did you go from

      $\frac{-2}{\pi}\int\limits_a^b xcos(\pi x) dx$


      $\frac{-2}{\pi^{2}}\int\limits_a^b \pi cos(\pi x) dx$ ?

      Anyway, starting from your previous step of $\frac{-2}{\pi}\int\limits_a^b xcos(\pi x) dx$, you could do a u-sub of u = $\pi x$. This gives you du = $\pi dx$ and $x = \frac{u}{\pi}$. Now, if you substitute these into $\frac{-2}{\pi}\int\limits_a^b xcos(\pi x) dx$, you get $\frac{-2}{\pi}\int\limits_a^b \frac{u}{\pi}cos(u) dx$. See that here, you'll still need to do by parts. No getting around it lol! I also see that you missed a "u" from your calculations. So, small error there.

      Also, just a suggestion. As you are using LaTeX, you can use the \frac{}{} command to enter fractions, and it will render the numerator and denominator one above the other, as opposed to beside each other.

      And a small question for you: how do you render this code without the dollar signs lol!? Couldn't find any software for that.
      (2 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Miray Atar
    I didn't get the solution to the second problem. How can we think of dv as a seperate function and where is the dx part of the antiderivative? If dv is the dx part then doesn't u supposed to be in terms of v? I couldn't get the intuition behind it and it lookks like there would be many algebraic restraints to have such solution. Can you explain it to me please?
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Hexuan Sun 9th grade
    On problem 2, if u = (lnx)^2, why is du = 2(lnx)/x dx
    shouldn't it be only 2(lnx)/x
    (1 vote)
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    • hopper cool style avatar for user obiwan kenobi
      du/dx is equal to 2(ln x)/x. However, if you want to solve for just du, then you have to multiply both sides by dx:

      du/dx = 2(ln x)/x
      du = 2(ln x)/x dx

      All we did was that we treated du/dx like it was a ratio and then we multiplied the dx to the other side.

      Hope this helps!
      (1 vote)