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What's that artist making in the galleries?

Join Sebastian, age 8, and learn what a copyist does as he interviews artist Jessica Artman in The Charles Engelhard Court at The Met.

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#metkids q&amp;a What's that artist making in the galleries? My name's Sebastian, and I'm eight years old. <i>I'm visiting from Miami, Florida.</i> <i>I'm here to ask this artist some questions.</i> Out of all of the sculptures and paintings, why did you pick this particular one? <i>(Jessica) So this one I chose because I like the gesture.</i> <i>It means I like her movement, right?</i> <i>So, all these other ones are kind of standing still and they're quiet,</i> <i>whereas this one, she's dancing, right?</i> <i>So she's got this forward motion,</i> <i>and it is just full of energy.</i> So, what kind of artwork do you like to do the most? <i>(Jessica) Definitely drawing and painting.</i> <i>So, classical representation.</i> What are you making this out of, and why are you doing it small? <i>(Jessica) Well, this is oil-based clay,</i> <i>which doesn't dry,</i> <i>which helps me work on it over a long period of time.</i> <i>I'm doing it this small for a couple of practical reasons.</i> <i>It's easier to carry,</i> <i>and also, it's mostly just a study.</i> <i>You know, if I wanted to do this sculpture</i> in five days at that size, <i>I wouldn't really get very far.</i> <i>It would be really hard.</i> And why did you become interested in art? <i>(Jessica) I think that it's just recognizing</i> <i>that it's something that you have to do.</i> So for myself, I have to draw and paint, otherwise I'm just not happy. <i>(Sebastian) I like to draw and paint myself, too.</i> <i>(Jessica) What do you like to draw?</i> <i>(Sebastian) Well, I like to draw abstract</i> <i>and I do some projects for school.</i> It's a lot about history and stuff like that, and creativity. I'm Sebastian, reporting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. what's your #metkids question? Reporting from the Metro-- Ah! I can't say it.