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In this tutorial, we've seen artists and their works that engage with conflict in one particular way: by documenting it, primarily through the use of photography. Art has the unique power of being able to capture conflict and its effects for posterity, and photographs would appear at first glance as the most straightforward way of achieving this.
But we've also seen that photographs have the power to document and capture far more than just images. What else can photographs encapsulate, depict, or relay?
For artists like Don McCullin, the camera can reveal the untold truths of a society. It also serves as a tool for healing, allowing the photographer to not only capture an image through its lens but to engage with its subjects in a unique way. Would you agree? Do you think a camera can change the way you see things?
And finally, we've seen artists create work around the effects of conflict on those beyond the field of battle.So do you think artists have in documenting not just conflicts and events, but also the societies they belong to?

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