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Evaluating the argument

Does Predictive Policing Make Us All Safer? Evaluate and discuss the argument presented in this video.
Should we support the greater use and innovation of predictive-policing technology by law enforcement?
Consider the following range of opinions on this question:
  1. Yes. It’s already a great technology, and it will only get better as we use and develop it further over time.
  2. Although our datasets and algorithms aren’t yet objective and sophisticated enough to justify current uses of predictive policing, it’s a good idea that will eventually help us to prevent crimes in a highly effective way without perpetuating injustice.
  3. While predictive policing sounds like a promising approach to crime prevention, its potential benefits will always be outweighed by its inevitable contributions to the perpetuation of injustice.
  4. No. We should instead be directing our resources and innovation efforts at the root of the problem, working to transform the social and institutional conditions that push people toward unlawful activity.
Now, take some time - by yourself or with others - to reflect openly, yet critically, on the ethical considerations raised by the various perspectives, and determine where you stand on this issue. What do YOU think, and why?

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